Amnesty IT - Assembly Web Platform
Design and development of a web-app that allowed participants of the Amnesty International Italy section general assembly to view quorum, motions and voting results in real time.

The request
Amnesty International Italy asked us to design and develop a web-app that would allow the participants of the General Assembly to view the quorum, the motions and the outcome of the votes in real time, through a lightweight tool, with a simple interface with particular attention to data protection.

The process
We started with the design of the database structure, taking care of back-end and front-end development, through to the testing and debugging phase.
The web-app was developed with Kirby, a file-based CMS that allows data to be collected and synchronised in real time, guaranteeing full security.
Specifically, we followed the following steps:
-> Information Architecture: page content structure to define the fields for back-end insertion, including the creation of the functions to automate the outcome of the votes and definition of the types of users with their permissions.
-> Back-end development: development of the structure for content insertion and creation of the database (PHP, JSON, JavaScript). The web-app was developed with Kirby, a very lightweight file-based CMS with a clean and intuitive interface, and Firebase, a platform that allows the collection and synchronisation of data in real time, guaranteeing security.
-> Interface design: based on the defined structure, we developed a simple and intuitive interface, in line with Amnesty International's visual identity.The interface has been designed in two variants: a read-only one (for the user) and one which fields, such as quorum and text of motions (for the admin user).
-> Front-end development: development of the web interface (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript) in a responsive mode, in order to guarantee a correct visualization on laptops, tablets and smartphones.
-> Testing and debugging: during all phases of work the web-app was subjected to numerous tests to ensure proper functioning during assembly.